lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

Mood Pictures

El otro día descubrí, gracias a Paul, que "Mood Pictures", uno de los sitios webs más realistas que conozco había sido cerrado tras una redada policial y, debo admitir que no me sorprendió.

Tengo un par de vídeos suyos y su dureza es extrema, superando, con creces, los límites de lo que normalmente consideramos sano, seguro y consensuado.

Viendo estos vídeos no podía evitar pensar que la única razón por la que alguien podría permitir sufrir de esa manera era económica y, desgraciadamente parece que no estaba equivocado.

Si bien supongo y deseo que la investigación aclarará lo ocurrido, resulta llamativo que una supuesta víctima haya denunciado los hechos de forma anónima tal y como queda constancia en este blog.

Os dejo con unas imágenes extraídas de los vídeos mencionados para que os hagáis una idea de las barbaridades que hacían y que en mi modesta opinión son absolutamente intolerables (y eso que soy masoca).

Adele Haze on her blog has news of the arrest of the Mood Pictures crew.  It would appear that it is the usual story for some extreme CP sites that a model complains to the Police that she was abused by the film makers.

Adele’s site has a translation of the Hungarian newspaper report.

“At the press conference police superintendent Jozsef Baranyi reported  that in the past week the Ujpest police station had received an anonymous letter written in a shaky hand. He added that the letter had been written by a mother of seven who was thus  one of the injured. The woman left her mobile so that the police were able to contact her number in the letter.

The woman had replied to a job advertisement promising a remuneration of between 100,000 and 200,000 forint (about £300 – £600 GBP) . There was no mention of sex,  but nuditywas a requirement.  It was emphatically stated that  it did not  involve any work.  The woman was unemployed, in an extremely  bad financial situation, and therefore replied to the advertisement. She signed a contract, but did not receive a copy. They explained  that it was all about a sado-masochistic shoot, but they lied when they told her that she would be very lightly hit, or only pretend-hit and she would play at feeling pain.

When they came to the  studio in Ujpest, to the revolving stage, they tied her to a bed and immediately began to beat her. Another r woman had  to thrash her with a cane, a whip  and a wide plastic thing. Later they they tied her to a bench and to an iron pipe. There was a moment when the woman who was being thrashed was no longer able to bear the  beating.  A sign had previously agreed and they had promised that if she said the word they would stop the  beating. According to the superintendent the sign was that she  should say “Stop it, I beg you, my lord!” . However, she begged in vain, the producer took over  thrashing her  and the woman was beaten  until she was bleeding.”
So, once again, it seems that a producer at the violent end of the spanking film spectrum has overstepped the mark. This happened a couple of years ago in the UK to a producer.  When will these companies learn that you have to respect the model, obey any safe word and limits you have agreed and therefore be professional in your dealings with the models.

The problem arises I think when a CP film company is set up more to provide the money to pay girls to satisfy the sadistic tendencies of the crew rather than for the enjoyment of all involved.

Lupus have shown that you can produce severe CP films, with great production values, without abusing  impoverished women. They have a loyal band of great spanking models who, despite the pain, film for them time and time again. All they do is consensual. I have that from the ‘horses’ mouth with knowing Niki Flynn.

If what is being said about Mood’s production methods is true, then in my opinion they deserve everything they get from the Hungarian authorities.

2 comentarios:

ariel dijo...

mira , te comento algo, vi y tengo casi todos los videos de esta productora y dejame decirte que quiza paresca un poco zarpado lo que hacen y no lo comparto, te digo que es de lo mejor y mas exitantes que hay sus videos, muy reales y con minas de una tremenda calidad y lindas, es increible que consigan minas tan lindas para hacer esto, yo no lo entiendo, en fin, luego de ver mood picture, todo lo demas que veas te parecera juego de niños y re fingido e irreal.
todavia no entiendo como estas minas soportan tantos canes en las nalgas, como aguantan ese dolor
y las marcas que les pueda quedar, lo ma parecido qeu vi a esto fue I.N.S.E.X, que era bastante duro pero estos se van de tema, y aunke considere muy cruel castigar una persona asi, hay muchas minas que se merecen ser castigadas asi,
toda mina que engaña y traiciona deberiamos castigarla asi, ojo que no soy machista, a los tipos que cagan tb habria que hacerles lo mismo, aunke la juventud de hoy en dia se permiten ser infieles entre ellos, asi estamos. no me gustan las torturas pero me exita terriblemente ver azotar a una mujer y mas cusndo se lo merece. o se entrega. espero dejes el comentario asi la demas gente tb opina al respecto

Pipinkos dijo...

Estoy de acuerdo contigo excepto en esto que mencionas:

hay muchas minas que se merecen ser castigadas asi,
toda mina que engaña y traiciona deberiamos castigarla asi, ojo que no soy machista, a los tipos que cagan tb habria que hacerles lo mismo, aunke la juventud de hoy en dia se permiten ser infieles entre ellos, asi estamos. no me gustan las torturas pero me exita terriblemente ver azotar a una mujer y mas cusndo se lo merece.

Para mí el BDSM es SIEMPRE una actividad consensuada y tus palabras me hacen pensar que para ti no lo es.

Dicho esto, los vídeos de Mood son excepcionales.